Photo of Jory Tindall

Hey 🤘 My name is Jory Tindall.

I'm an empathetic interface and experience designer with passions for system-thinking and design systems, design technology, and shredding the saxophone, currently based in Seattle, Washington.

I'm currently helping to empower a broad range of designers, engineers, and creative thinkers on the Design System team at HashiCorp, previously at the T-Mobile Design System team.

You can also find me leading the charge to democratize music education at Downbeat Academy, collaborating in the Seattle music scene, and teaching teaching music to the next generation of shredders.

More about me


Recent work in design, engineering, and other creative projects.

My portfolio


Music projects, original compositions, current working ensembles.

My music

Get in touch

Reach out to say hello 👋!

Contact me